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Batch Edit

To edit the information of a batch, start by navigating into the batch summary view. batch_summary Within this view, click on the edit icon (pen symbol) within the action column of the grid in the batch component to open the edit batch dialog. batch_edit_dialog

Project role

Should you not see the action column, please make sure that you have been granted the "write" or "admin" role to it by the project owner/admin!

Once the dialog has been opened you can edit the sample or batch attributes of interest. batch_edit_dialog_edited

Since each row within this spreadsheet represents one sample within your batch you can also add or remove samples via the dedicated control buttons on top right of the spreadsheet.

Finally, save your changes via the "Save" button on the bottom of the dialog. batch_edit_summary_edited.png

Batch Deletion

Batch Deletion

Keep in mind, that deleting a batch will also delete all sample metadata of the samples within the batch. If you want to delete individual sample metadata entries, remove the sample specific row via the batch edit functionality.

To delete a batch, start by navigating into the batch summary view. batch_deletion_summary

Within this view, click on the delete icon (trashcan symbol) within the action column of the grid in the batch component which will open up a dialog requiring validation of the batch deletion. batch_deletion_triggered

Project role

Should you not see the action column, please make sure that you have been granted the "write" or "admin" role to it by the project owner/admin!

Press the "Confirm" button to trigger the batch deletion. batch_deletion_triggered

Attached Measurements

Keep in mind, that batches can only be deleted if none of the samples within the batch have been used in a measurement. Otherwise, you need to delete the measurement before the batch can be deleted.