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Ontology Search Introduction

The ontology search functionality can be accessed from within a project via the application drawer. Therefore, start by navigating to the ontology summary view.

The ontology search allows you to search for ontology information within our database.

Ontology Navigation

From the landing page you can navigate into a project via the project list by clicking on the project card directly.

Once within the project open the application drawer via the button on the top left of the application and select "ontology search" to navigate to the ontology summary view. ontology_summary.png

Start by providing at least 2 letters in the ontology search field of the entity for which you want to retrieve the ontology information. Once done so a card list showing information for all ontology entries which contain the provided letters will appear. ontology_search_triggered_without_species.png

Alternatively the ontology search can also be limited to only look for species specific information. ontology_search_triggered_with_species.png

Enable species specific search

The application provides access to species terminologies for the complete tree of life provided by NCBI. If activated, only the species taxonomy is queried.

Why does the search not include species?

We currently host our own database instance for efficient queries of species to support faster lookups. Also, the TIB terminology service, which we have integrated for all other term lookups, does not provide the tree of life, yet. So they are two independent systems that we request information from here

Additionally, it allows you to copy the ontology CURIE, which can be especially handy during measurement registration ontology_search_curie_copie.gif