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Project Introduction

After a successful login you will be redirected to your personal landing page. From there, you can either navigate into your project of interest or register a new project.

Project access

Should you not see your project of interest, please make sure that you have been granted access to it by the project owner

Project Navigation

From the landing page you can navigate into your project via the project list. Either click on the project card directly or make use of the search box to filter the project lists for the project of interest. project_navigation_search

Once you've found the project you can navigate into it by clicking on its respective project card, which will take you into the project summary view. project_summary

To navigate between projects you can go back to the landing page via the home button on the top right. Alternatively you can use the application drawer to go to your most recent projects or switch back to your landing page. project_summary

Application drawer

The application drawer can be used to navigate between projects and experiments once a project has been selected. It can be opened and closed via it's button on the top left.

To navigate between projects via the application drawer select your project of interest from the menu on the left or select "go to projects" to go back to your landing page project_summary